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bio:ithobal [2018/04/23 15:13]
gm_fyr created
bio:ithobal [2018/05/29 16:14] (current)
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-====== Ithobal - Kay S ======+====== Ithobal - Kay S [DEAD] ​======
 {{ photo:​ithobal.jpg}} {{ photo:​ithobal.jpg}}
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 Commander of the Silver Pikes of Ashtoreth, Ithobal is a sought-after Vitorran mercenary leader who is known best for turning the tide of a skirmish on the Vitorra/​Orrium border about five years ago Commander of the Silver Pikes of Ashtoreth, Ithobal is a sought-after Vitorran mercenary leader who is known best for turning the tide of a skirmish on the Vitorra/​Orrium border about five years ago
-{{tag>​bio}}+{{tag>​bio ​retired}}
bio/ithobal.1524496394.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/23 15:13 by gm_fyr