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Lorenzo The Waterlily Diite, The Knife of Loyalty

This plaque commemorates the life and death of Lorenzo “The Waterlily” Diite. Legendary for his dancing, Lorenzo gave his final performance at the wedding of Lisabetta Toqare de Sopra, and is said to gave been one his greatest of all time. He dedicated the rest of his life to ensuring peace remained in Esharia, as well as devoting himself to the protection of the monarchy.

Sadly, such a noble and honourable service came at a terrible price. The Waterlily was able to thwart many an assassination attempt made against the Queen Regent Arianna Halmid and her child, but nobody's luck holds out forever. Lorenzo gave his own life to save those under his protection, and will be remembered always and forever for his great sacrifice.

eternity/lorenzo_the_waterlily_diite.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/12 12:57 by gm_rose