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The Religions of the Qeltan Sea

In Esharia proper (the Plains, the Wetlands, and Hashat), the Orthodox religion’s counter reformation successfully won back most of the population from both the Kalian and Greconian heresies. Hyrum, Priest of the God Below, went down in history as a saviour of the faith, with religious orders and colleges named in his honour. Small pockets of heresy still exist, but are largely underground. There was no violent repression, but the social stigma is strong and thus people tended to hide their beliefs.

The Esharian Orthdoxy even spread into Orrium. It was flavoured by the local focus on the family, but in one of the Orrin successor states it became the state religion. Indeed it was this influx of Esharian belief that helped split Orrium and finally neutralised it as a threat forever.

Elsewhere though, the seeds of different faiths found fertile soils. Kalian inspired beliefs took root in a number of the client states and petty kingdoms, and numerous variants arose. Some of these died out fairly quickly, but others flourished and grew into the dominant local belief.

In the Heights, the Greconian heresy was further refined and eventually came to be known as “Arcana”. It became the foremost faith in the Heights and this cultural divide would be a long sticking point between the Heights and Esharia. The new faith adopts a series of virtues based on the most prominent vessels of the Fleet that visited during its inception.

  • The Infinite: Curiosity, for without their search we would never have learned of the sphere or the many worlds
  • The Bloom: Industry, for the Bloom are always striving for efficiency, and we should emulate that desire not just to surpass others, but ourselves
  • The Shade: Helpfulness, for they only ever did what they could for others
  • The Carnevale: Joy, for such is the appropriate response to the wonders of the multiverse
  • The Signal: Vigilance, for the multiverse is full of dangers for the unwary
  • The Sepulchre: Purpose, for their single-minded goal brought them to exceed all others, and it was only by all our strengths combined that they were defeated

Ultimately, despite the persistence of several large faith blocs, religion never homogenise, and continued to fragment at the edges into ever weird pockets.

eternity/religion.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/12 12:43 by gm_rose